Saturday 28 May 2011

International Organisations and Groups

International Organisations and Groups
This post will guide you about International Organization and Group exists in the World. Here is the list: The Common WealthIt was originally known as ‘The British Commonwealth of Nations’. It is an association of sovereign and independent states which formally made up the British Empire.
Headquarters: London.
Members: 53
The British Monarch (Queen Elizabeth II) is the symbolic head of the commonwealth.
Commonwealth heads of government meet (CHOGM) is held in every 2 years.

Arab LeagueEstablished: March 22, 1945.
Objective: To promote economic, social, political and military cooperation.
Members: 22
Headquarters: Cairo

Asia Public Economic Corporation (APEC)Established: Nov, 1989
Objective: To promote trade and investment in the Pacific basin.
Members: 21

Asian Development Bank (ADB)Established: Dec. 19, 1966
Objective: To promote regional economic cooperation.
Members: 59
Headquarters: Manila

Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN)Established: Aug. 8, 1967
Objective: Regional, economic, social and cultural cooperation among the non-communist countries of South-East Asia.
Members: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia.
Headquarters: Djakarta.

Common Wealth of Independent States (CIS)Established: Dec. 8, 1991
Objective: To coordinate inter-common wealth relations and to provide a mechanism for the orderly dissolution on the USSR.
Members: 12
Headquarters: Kirava (Belarus)

Group of 8 or G-8Established: Sept. 22, 1985
Objective: To promote co-operation among major non-communist economic powers.
Members: France, Germany, Japan, UK, US, Canada, Italy, Plus Russia (added later).

Group of 15 or G-15Established: 1889
Objective: To promote economic co-operation among developing nations.
Members: 18

Group of 77 or G-77Established: Oct. 1967
Objective: To promote economic co-operation among developing nations.
Members: 130

International Criminal Police Organization For (INTERPOL)Established: 1914
Objective: To promote the international cooperation among criminal police authorities.
Members: 186
Headquarters: France.

International Olympic Committee (IOC)Established: June 23, 1894
Objective: To promote the Olympic ideals and administer Olympic Games.
Members: 203
Headquarters: Switzerland.

International Organization For Standardization ( ISO)Established: Feb., 1947
Objective: To promote development of international standards.
Members: 158
Headquarters: Switzerland.

International Red Cross And Crescent MovementEstablished: 1928
Objective: To promote worldwide humanitarian aid.
Headquarters: Geneva.

Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)Established: Sep., 1961
Objective: Political co-operation and separate itself from both USA and USSR (in the cold-war era).
Members: 118
The credit of evolving the concept goes to Pt. Jawahar lal Nehru. The other contributors were Marshal Tito (President of Yugoslavia), Dr. Sukamo (President of Indonesia) and General Nasser (President of Egypt). Bandung conference in Indonesia became the forum for the birth of NAM.

European UnionEstablished: Apr.8, 1965. Effective on July 1, 1967
Objective: To create a united Europe in which member countries would have such strong economic and political bonds that war would cease to be a recurring fact.
Members: 27 (The ten new countries which joined in 2004 are Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slavakia and Slovania). Bulgaria & Romania joined in 2007.
Headquarters: Brussels (Belgium). The common European, currency, Euro, was launched on Jan. 1, 1999

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)Established: April 4, 1949
Objective: Mutual defense and cooperation
Members: 26 + Russia
Headquarters: Brussels

Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC)Established: Sept,1959
Objective: Attempts to set world prices by controlling oil production and also persues member interest in trade and development.
Members: 12 (Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, UAE, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Angola and Venezuela).
Headquarters: Vienna (Austria).

South Asian Association For Regional Cooperation (SAARC)Established: Dec. 8, 1985
Objective: To promote economic, social and cultural cooperation.
Members: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Srilanka, Afghanistan.
Headquarters: Katmandu.

World Meteorological Organization (WMO)Established: Oct. 11, 1947, Effective from April 4, 1951.
Objective: Specialized UN Agency concerned with meteorological cooperation.
Members: 162
Headquarters: Geneva

Amnesty International (AI)Established: 1961
Objective: To keep a watch over human rights violation worldwide.
Headquarters: London
Got Nobel Prize in 1977 for Peace.

Organization Of The Islamic Conference (OIC)Established: 1969
Objective: To promote Islamic solidarity among member states and to consolidate cooperation among members.
Members: 57
Headquarters: Saudi Arabia.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)Established: June 7, 2002.
Objective: To develop mutual cooperation.
Members: Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrghiztan and Tajikistan.

Scouts and GuidesEstablished: 1907 by Lt. Gen. Baden Powell.
Objective: To encourage good character, loyalty to god and country, service to other people and physical and mental fitness.
Members: About 13 million members of around 115 nations.
World Scouts Bureau: Geneva (Switzerland).

World Wildlife Fund For Nature (WWF)Established: Sept. 11, 1961
Objective: To save the wildlife from extinction
Members: All the countries of the world
Headquarters: Gland (Switzerland)

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